Table of Contents: Magic










1.  First Principle
2.  The Hidden Secrets of Nature and how You Can Find them
3.  The Obsession of Human Beings for the Supernatural
4.  The Obstacles on the Path Which Lead to Nature’s Secrets
5.  A Small Light for all who Try to Find Nature’s Secrets
6.  This Chapter is Necessary to Answer all Previous Questions
7.  Contributions to Solve One of the Great Puzzles in Nature
8.  We Have no Conception Outside our Circle of Perception
9.  To Search for Yourself or to be Lead are two Different Things
10.  A Language without Words
11.  Obscure Feelings: the Reality and the Imagination
12.  The Hierarchy of Beings and their Connection to the Spirit World
13.  The Power of the Imagination
14.  The Soul
15.  Immortality
16.  The Relationship of Human Beings with the World of Spirits
17.  Indispensable Hypothesis in Magic Regarding Ideas
18.  Visions and Premonitions
19.  Visions Caused Through the Deception of our Senses
20.  Foresight or Forecast; Prophecy or Prediction
21.  Sleep and Slumber — the Condition of the Sleepwalker
22.  Preconditions which are Essential to Explain Somnambulism
23.  The Origin of Ailments
24.  Basic Knowledge of Magnetism and Electricity
25.  Experiments with the Electric, Harmonious Condition
26.  Animal Magnetism
27.  I and You
28.  Soul-Physiognomy
29.  The theory of Wisdom and the Science of all Things
30.  The Art of Restoring Youth
31.  The Divining Rod
32.  Opinion on the Divining Rod or Rhabdomancy
33.  The Language of Animals
34.  The Effectiveness of Herbs on the Different Ailments
35.  About Words, Herbs And Stones
36.  The Numbers
37.  Necessary Prerequisites for Magic Calculation
38.  The Temple of Health and the Bed of Blissfulness of Dr. Graham
39.  Theory of Visionary Music or Music of the Eye
40.  Sight
41.  Smell
42.  The Theory of Feelings
43.  To the Seekers
44.  Passions and the Study of the Knowledge of Human Nature
45.  Psychological Secrets or the Science of the Sibyllisus
46.  Special Feelings and Perceptions
47.  The theory of Pleasant Perceptions
48.  Music and the Power Harmony Exerts Upon the Soul
49.  The Angel of Light — the Angel of Darkness
50.  Prestidigitators and Illusionists, Swindlers, Tricksters, Impostors
51.  Magic
52.  A Guide to a Better Understanding of the Authors of Old


Information to the Reader on the Contents of this Book
1.  Nourishment for the Spirit and Light for the Soul
2.  The Glow Worm — A Necessary Tale for the Seeker
3.  Seekers and Finders; Fishers and Tempters
4.  The Braggarts
5.  The Path to the Temple of Secrets
6.  True Magic
7.  Secrets of True Magic
8.  God
9.  The Human Being
10.  Light and Warmth
11.  Reality and Imagination
12.  A Treatise Regarding the Human Body — Somatology
13.  Exaltation and Enhancement of the Spirit
14.  Death
15.  Existence and Reunion
16.  Existence and the Shape of Things
17.  The Refinement of the Senses
18.  The Inner Sense
19.  The Life of the Soul
20.  Punishment and Reward
21.  Being Blissful and Suffering
22.  Revelation
23.  Physical Life and Spirit Life
24.  Soul Formation
25.  Appearances
26.  The Power of the Imagination — True Appearances
27.  The Appearances of Spirits
28.  Appearances Produced through the Powers of the Imagination
29.  The Sphere of Operation of the Senses
30.  The Mode of Action of the Powers of the Imagination
31.  True Appearances
32.  The Higher State of the Soul
33.  Advancement of the Soul
34.  The Forces of Assimilation
35.  The World
36.  Truth and the Illusion of the Senses
37.  The Will
38.  The Miracle Powers of Nature
39.  There Is One All and This All Is Whole
40.  Everything in this All Belongs out of Necessity
41.  Everything Is One: Things Only Differ In their Manner
42.  Human Beings Act; they were Not Always the Way they are
43.  There are Things which are Reality besides Human Beings
44.  Things which are Outside Humans can Effect Human Beings
45.  Things which are Outside Myself
46.  I Am Different when Things Bring Forth Different Effects In Me
47.  Things Which Are Outside of Myself
48.  Powers and Forms
49.  Influence
50.  Unraveling the Puzzle of Some Magic Secrets
51.  Principles to Quabbalistic Calculation
52.  The Work and Deeds of Human Beings
53.  The Word of the Deity in Nature
54.  The Condition of Separation from the Unity
55.  The Voice Out of the Clouds
56.  The Alphabets to the Secrets
57.  Signs of Nature
58.  Time
59.  The Symbol of Progression
60.  The Laws of Progressions and the Laws of the Numbers
61.  The Elements are the Organs of the Upper Powers
62.  The Law of Perfection of Nature
63.  Reaction or Counter-Effect
64.  The Miraculous Works of Nature in Hieroglyphics
65.  The Secrets of Natural Magic or Anthroposophy
66.  Prerequisites to the theory of Sympathy
67.  Sympathy and Antipathy
68.  Epilogue to Sympathy
69.  The Art of Bringing into Motion the Inner Spirit
70.  Additional Rules
71.  Observations Regarding Magnetism
72.  Rules
73.  A Necessary Consideration of the Former
74.  The Numbers of Nature
75.  News of the Voyage to the Truth
76.  The Seekers of Truth
77.  Inscription at the Entrance to the Temple of Wisdom
78.  The Staircase for Human Beings to Knowledge and Wisdom
79.  Principal Recollections in Regards to the Whole
80.  Zozimus: To His Students as to the Conclusion of this Book — A Chapter that should be Read Three Times