Jakob Lorber Books


The Childhood of Jesus (ebook)


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The Childhood of Jesus, by Jakob Lorber, takes the reader on an incredible journey with the Christ Child from His birth in a humble setting, to His sojourn in Egypt and return to Nazareth, and finally to His three days in the temple, where His teachings were so profound as to astonish all who were in attendance.
At each stage of Jesus’ life, Jakob Lorber is able to introduce the many relationships that comprise Jesus’ family and friends and how the Christ Child, from infant to young boy, taught lessons of love, forgiveness, and mercy to them.  Not only His words, but His miracles and acts of power, bear witness to the divinity and Lordship of the Christ.  In these little-known and forgotten years of His Childhood that Lorber has illuminated, readers will be strengthened in their faith and also gain new insights into scriptures that the Christ Child uses in His teachings in the temple. An absolute must-read for old and young alike.

The Childhood of Jesus teaches us that if we work for the spiritual inner path, He will take care of the physical aspects of our lives, leading the reader to conclude that this physical life is only a transitory school and that our true life is in the other world.